Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Modern vs Ancient

When Luo suffers a bout of malaria, the narrator is called upon to tell a story: "I embarked on the strangest performance of my life. In that remote village tucked into a cleft in the mountain where my friend had fallen into a sort of stupor, I sat in the flickering light of an oil lamp and related the North Korean film for the benefit of a pretty girl and four ancient sorceresses" [p. 39]. Why are the rural Chinese so fascinated by film, or the stories they tell? What does this scene suggest about the convergence—and compatibility or incompatibility—of ancient and modern ways of life?


ashLey said...

The ancient ways of life were extremely disappointing for Luo and the narrator. They strongly rely on the stories they tell to pass the days. This scene is talking about the little seamstress girl and how she so enjoyed the stories. The narrator also knew about how Luo cared for her and embarked on those adventures for her.

Ian VanMiddlesworth said...

To me it seems that the old ways and the new ways are not compatible. It has taken hundreds of years to change from the old ways to the new ways and the time between so much has happened that it is nearly impossible to even compare the two. But the way that the narrator tells the story and enthralls the sorceress is remarkable it also goes to show that even people who believe in the old ways can be fascinated even awestruck by newer things.

Corona said...

I think that the reason the rural chinese were fascinated by films is because they still go by the old ways, so by watching new films they are fascinated by watching something they have never seen before in their life time. This suggest that anybody can be fascinated by modern ways no matter what their life style is.

Caitlin A. said...

In my opinion the Chinese are so facinated with stories and films because it's away for them to escape from the harsh realities. When ancient tradions and modern cultures come together they're not very compatibile.

Amy Johnson said...

I believe that some cultures are fasinated by film because its an easy way to escape the cruel state of their country is in. The stories they tell are about love and being free, I think the chinese and other cultures like to listen and watch films to put themsevles in the characters positions and invision themsevles living as free as the characters in the films and stories.

Nicole_Swanson said...

Luo and the narrator were extremely bored about the way they had to live their lives. They wanted to go out and learn more but since they couldnt do that, they just secretly read books to learn more.

Puckett said...

The rural Chinese people are isolated from the cities and the bountiful stories they hold. They are of course fascinated by the knew stories they have not heard, they probably get a little sick of hearing the same stories over and over that are native to the Phoenix Mountain area. The ancient and modern Chinese culture do not converge well, thats why the people hear the stories rather than go watch them themselves.

Chris Edwards said...

The rural chinese are fascinated by films because it is a different way of telling stories than their oral tradition. When watching the films the chinese are able to drift way from the stress and hopelessness of their lives.

Brittany Crafts said...

I believe that the rural chinese were so fascinated by the stories that Luo and the narrator told because it was the only thing they had that was modern. It was the only thing they had that linked them with the life of the city. I think that this scene shows how how there is a similarity between the past and the present, because the Chinese people who are living in the country are fascinated by the idea of the films, and they like to see the presentations and stories that Luo and the narrator put on for them. Also, people who live in the city like the stories that are told in the films. This shows a similarity between the two ways of life.

Sarah Stanion said...

This scene is talking about how much the Little Seamstress enjoyed hearing the stories from Luo and the Narrator. The Chinese people were so fascinated by the films because they dont have a theater in their villages. In this culture they tell stories to pass time.

tyler hogenson said...

I think that the old ways and the new ways are not compatible. It has taken hundreds of years to change and the time between a lot has happened that it is nearly impossible to even compare the two. But the way that the narrator tells the story and enthralls the sorceress is remarkable it also goes to show that even people who believe in the old ways can be fascinated even awestruck by newer things.

allena sanford707 said...

i think they enjoy it so much because they cant ever read books and when they hear a new story there fasinated.And because they're not aloud to.everythings better when your not aloud to do it!buuut anyways um for the other opart,it just sounds like he does it all for the little seamstress,put hisself and his friends in danger so she can hear the stories..but hmm im not really sure how they both compare,cultural ..

Blake Clement said...

I think the reason rural Chinese are so captivated by film and stories is because It is their only source of entertainment and it is also the only way that helps them to think and learn on their own.I also think that they got a thrill out of watching movies and telling stories because it allowing them to see and imagine people doing things that were against Mao's laws.I think ancient and modern cultures mesh well with each other because movies kind of originated from story telling

Mike Bansmer said...

The village people are facinated by the films and stories, for one because they are so isolated from the citie that the filmst seem to be from a nother place in time wiht new and exciting objects fellings and places in them, and lets face it most every thing is extreamly exciting when its new.
The isolation is also the main factor in why they do not see the films rather then watch them its just unfisable with the work they must do to survive.

Tanner Mitchell said...

I think the reason that they are so fascinated by the stories that Luo and the Narrator tell about the films that they see is because they are bored with there lifestyle. They are in the middle of nowhere on some mountain and the most interesting thing there is an alarm clock. I would be fascinated by movies and stories about movies too.

♥stephanie_poletti♥ said...

its a major culture shock when they experience the videos and listen to the modern day stories that they tell, since they are so use to the old ways of doing things and entertaining themselves it becomes a whole new experience..

Rutter said...

I think they are fascinated by the stories because they are tired of the old stories. It's like most Americans. We always have to have the newest technology, clothing, etc. I think they want something new, and not just the same old stories day in and day out.

Deschamps15 said...

I think the rural chinese are fascinated by movies and the stories they tell because it lets them escape from the live they are living during the Cultural Revolution. All the labor they have to go through, hearing new stories every once in a while is an outlet for them. It just lets them drift off and get lost in the story that is being told. In the modern day today, we don't necessarily listen to story tellers to pass time, but we watch them on a big screen. During the time frame of the cultural revolution in China, they listened to stories to pass time.

Aime Renee said...

i beleive that the Chinese are so fascinated because it is so differnet from what they know. i think that the new age and new ways cannot compare to the old ways they are not cömpatäble at all. but it just comes to show that no matter what life you live you can still be fascinated by ancient or in this case modern things. i also think that they are so interested in the films becasue its differnet from what they live and it kind of gets them out of reality for a while...

Jennifer Decker said...

I think the rural Chinese love to hear, read and watch these stories because its entertaining for them. It gives them different ideas more of an out look on things, they learn certain things and what they want or wish they had, it takes them away from reality and lets them for once unwind and the films were also like the books but newer, reading from books gives u an out look but really if you never experienced whats happening in the story or if you dont live where the stories taken place when your reading it your thinking of whats going on but placing what you know in it, but watching it gives you the out look of what it really is like, theres a difference from seeing something and imagining it , or perhaps the films let them do both......

Sarah Stanion said...

Luo and the narrator tell stories to pass the time they have to spend being re-educated. The rural Chinese are so fascinated with the stories Luo and the narrator tell because most of them don't have the chance or the money to travel to the city to watch the movie; so Luo and the narrator travel to the city, watch the movie, then return to tell the village people the stories. This scene suggest that the ancient and modern ways of life do not have a good compatability; because the people in this time would rather hear the stories than go watch the movies.

Snyder said...

The rural chinese are not anything like the non rural chinese. They are much more facinated pretty much by more modern stuff versus the non modern stuff they are used to. Stories to them are very important to their culture due to their ancesters. The scene really just talks about how lou liked the seamstress and how she really enjoyed to listen to stories.

bosko said...

In my oppinion the rural chinese are fascinated by film because one they are located away from all of the modern city life and two because Mao has a strangle hold on thier life. So the film gives them a sense of the outside world to some extent. In the old rural china people lived much different styles of life entirely. But story telling and watching movies somewhat connect the old world to the modern world.

brothers said...

the china people use film to get away from the social and govermental change that has been going on. Mao changed millions of people's lifes and to get away from that agony they use the cinema for a way of excape. so when the narrator story tells everybody is so into it because it is the only thing that they have were they dont have to worry about anything else, they can just hang out.

joser_cruz said...

well i what i gots to say is that the chinease were facinated by story telling because thats all they knew like in the old days thats how they tauhgt there morals threw stories

♥stephanie_poletti♥ said...

its a major culture shock when they experience the videos and listen to the modern day stories that they tell, since they are so use to the old ways of doing things and entertaining themselves it becomes a whole new experience..Luo and the narrator tell stories to pass the time they have to spend being re-educated. The rural Chinese are so fascinated with the stories Luo and the narrator tell because most of them never had the opportunity to travel to the city to watch the movie; and they would rather hear the stories because its soots there way of living and watching a movie would be too much of a culture shock..i think

Sione Saenz said...

For these people story telling is a form of entertainment to relieve them from their boredom. The place that they're at has no electronics of any sort. The only modern item they have would be the alarm clock and the guitar they brought from the city. When the boys bring out the guitar and start to tell story it entertaines the workers.

Gaige Stockwell said...

In the ancient way of life technology from other worlds aren't around. The rural chinese are so fascinated because they have never heared such stories in detail and the thought of an accual story being projeced and visible was astounding to them. ancient ways are not compatable with modern ways for two reasons. modern ways are fast paced and tend to be aww inspiring. The old ways are focused on repetition and routine. With modern ways in the mix, the poeple would wane off from the old ways and take up the more exciting modern ways of life.

drew_runberg said...

To the rural Chinese community, the stories are so enjoying becuase the come from a civilization with such far out views from their's. They are not as connected to the urban community and ideals and therefore are blown away at times. Luo and the narrator were quite use to the concepts provided by the modern movies and that allowed them better tell the story. It also allowed the two to better phrase it for the small town folks.

Brenda Duran said...

I think the chinese liked to tell stories because that was the only source of intertainment they had. That was the way they passed time. I also think they liked to tell stories because the chinese like to act that their someone else so they can forget about their misery.

Trevor Nave said...

The chinese seem to be really enthused with these films and stories Luo and the narrator tell. Probably because they havent seen them or heard about them. It seems interesting that the little seamstress like the stories told more than watching it...she says that the boys tell it better.

Rockin Robyn Enloe said...

I believe it is because the rural chinese are so isolated that they enjoy the films and story telling. I believe they like to hear stories and see films about lives they would like to be living. They enjoy films where the characters are living free lives and i think they like to imagaine their lives as free when they watch the films and read the stories. I also think that they find the books from four-eys even more fascinating because they are forbidden. It seems as though people tend to want what they can't have. So because these books are illegal, Luo and the Narrarator want them even more.

Moacyr Soares said...

For me the reason that the people from the village like when the Narrator and Luo told the story was because they never heard about that type of stories. They life to hears stories because for them is like an intertaiment.For us is imcompatible this style of life because now with the technology we don't want more hear stories, but watch them.

SADE said...

As we see with storytelling they are fascinated by the stories that are being told by the narrator. The rural cities are isolated from all humanity to the surrounding cities so they don't interact with anything that is new to the culture. They are old fashion in some ways. Basically, the ancient chinese culture doesn't mesh well together.

branden rickman said...

I believe that some cultures like the stories because it takes them away from all of the cruel things that are happening to them in the hills and i believe that it makes them feel free to put themselves in that characters position.

bret_staton said...

The way of old and new completely collides with each other and cause problems. Lou and the narrator are also effected in a good way they get to leave and there re ejection for a bit of a brake. If it was like the older ways there would be more story teller and they would be pushed aside. But what I think is the worst part is that the story telling skill was look a down on they came to believe it was a useless skill.

Baxter said...

Well they are intruiged by story telling because really there is no books and movies and things like that in their culture. So these things are kind of rare to them and soemthing new and entertaining. It gives them a chance to jusat relax and forget about things and just listen to the new way to tell stories.

randi** said...

The Chinese government at that time censored every aspect of the people's lives. China embraced every oppurtunity they were given to learn new things. They were obviously not accustomed to films and so the reenactments which the narrator and Luo provide greatly interests them. Although the Revolutionists attempted to make every story related to Mao, there was still hidden meanings in the films which probably gave the people some hope to live like they use to.

Alex Durán said...

I think that the reason the rural chinese were fascinated by films is because they went by the old ways, so by watching new films they are fascinated by watching something they have never seen before in their life. This says that they would have there jaw dangling if they saw a movie like tokiyo dirft or bicenteial man.

Kyle Russell said...

The rural chinese are so fascinated by film and its stories because it is something they have never expierienced before. When the people converged together to listen to a more modern way of story telling they enjoyed it more than thier own style of story telling

Alice V. said...

I think that the main reason that the rural Chinese people are so fascinated by film and stories is because they do not have any other form of entertainment. Books, Radio, and TV are banned on Phoenix Mountain unless they are “approved by the government”. Another reason is that many of them have never traveled, so even to hear a story about Korea is new and exciting. In this scene new ways are mixed with old. The film is somewhat modern, but the way of telling it is not, since storytelling has been around for thousands of years. Also, there is a young generation and an old one sitting together. The sorceresses are very old, whereas Lou and the Narrator are young and come from a modern city. I think that this scene demonstrates the compatibility of ancient and modern ways of life. Lou is telling a modern story, yet it is enjoyed by young and old alike. In this novel, storytelling is away of bringing generations together.

John_Oliver said...

I beleive that the Chinese are so fascinated because it is so differnet from what they know. i think that the new age and new ways cannot compare to the old ways they are not compatable at all. but it just comes to show that no matter what life you live you can still be fascinated by ancient or in this case modern things. I also think that they are so interested in the films becasue its so differnet from the way they live.

Lyzett Rosita! ;) said...

I think that the rural chinese were so fascinated by films is because they still live their lives like they did in the old days. When Luo and the Narrator tell the new stories I think that the stories are well enjoyed beacause it lets people think about other things rather then the life that they are living in and how bored they get. I also beleive that the films and stories kind of give them a sense of the world arond them ,in a way. In a way the films and story telling is to pass time.

joser_cruz said...

Well in Mexico to this day they still tell morals through stories. They seem to be getting old and people are now watching more and more television and seem to be forgetting the stories. Stories that taught kids like to respect there elder, not to play with things that could harm you ect. I know that in China it must be very similar and that’s why the Chinese so fascinated by film because it was a story and it was a new story something that was new to them, something that they hadn’t herd before.

kevin ferris said...

The rural chinese ar so facinated by stories they hear because they can't just drive to the movies, so stories are the only fun and excitingthings that they hear. They are not even allowed to read any book they want because chairman Mao made it illigal to read any fiction books. The only books they could read are books about him. He did this so that they won't hear stories about the outside world and see how much better they have it, and so they won't realize how unfaire it is what Mao is making them do. This scene suggests that ancient and modern people both rely upon stories to help them get through life a little easier. The only difference is the way the stories are told.

Brandon_Hamilton said...

I think the chinese like to tell stories because it is something that they enjoy and Its a trait unique to there culture. modern culture and ancient times are similar because the chinese are fascinated by the films But they like to hear stories about the films, because The chinese like to get involved and learn.